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Dry ice is used to cool food, with sublimation giving it an advantage, as there is no need to bother removing the liquid.

In addition, dry ice has many other industrial uses such as:

  • Creating special effects (artificial smoke) in events and shows 
  • Splashing dry ice flakes for surface cleaning
  • Cooling and preservation of food products
  • Cooling and preservation of biological samples

Dry Ice Applications


Dry ice requires special precautions. It is similar in appearance to the ice created by water, but it is much colder. The temperature of the dry ice is 78.5 ° C, so use is permitted only according to the safety instructions.

  • The dry ice is cold enough to cause frostbite if you touch it without gloves
  • Dry ice produces a constant carbon dioxide and therefore can not be kept in a closed container
  • The gas generated must be ventilated, otherwise it will fill the closed space and cause suffocation
  • It should be noted that carbon dioxide is more dense than air and will sink to the floor

Keep the dry ice away from children!

Safety Data Sheet

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